2006 kick-off party with the Strubbarna
The Strubbarna will have a kick-off party for the coming season the 11th of february 2006 at the MAIF club-house. All are welcome, strubbarna members or not, the only requirement to get in is to wear some MAIF-stuff (shirt, scarf, hat, jacket, underwear, whatever). The price is 100SEK, free for kids below 16 years coming with their (both or 1 is enough?) parents.
For the 100 SEK, you'll get food, coffee, cake and some music entertainment. More or less strong drinks shall be fixed by each participant for him/herself. There will be a lotery during the evening with some as-of-yet undefined but promised-nice prizes.
Registration must be done before january 27th to:
BOEL HOLMSTRÖM 0733-120506
CICCI HAGLUND 0705-532055
ANNA-LENA KROOK 0733-490094
Registration is binding, the 100SEK should be put on bankgiro 5373-8043 right after calling, indicate the names of all the people you're paying for.
This is the first such kick-off party arranged by the strubbarna, but surely to become a tradition.
You can get all the details here.