Friday, August 26, 2005

Template and various updates

Ok it's starting to take shape. I'm not 100% satisfied of the color scheme, but that'll do for now. Damn CSS style sheets is weird. And my HTML is all rusty. So it's all going slooooow.

In a side-note, I've had a couple of ideas for added content on this page. I mean, it's fun bashing on the referees, but it's better if you can do it with style. Come back in a while while I'm working on it.

Anyway, I'm out for the week-end, so I'll start again earliest monday night.

Forza MAIF. Please don't lose on sunday, I'd even say win if you can. I know it's AIK, and they're 1st of the league, but still, we need the points if we're to stay.


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